The Parish of Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace

& St. Veronica

Parish Events

BVM Queen of Peace J Birds Youth Group
for students in grades 8-12
First Sunday of every month 11:30 am
for more information call the Faith Formation Office on 226-2955.


“Bag a Month” Food Collection Program

The first full weekend of every month the Parish of Blessed Virgin Mary Queen of Peace and St. Veronica sponsors a “Bag a Month” food collection program for the needy in our local community. Each month, the week before the collection, we ask for donations of a full or partial bag of certain non-perishable food items, we have the recyclable bags at the entrances of both churches with the list of donations. On the first weekend of each month volunteers will be at the Parish Center Building at Queen of Peace before Masses on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning to accept donations of food and at St. Veronica’s. If you would like to help us with the program please call Jim Conrad @ 570 226-8170..

“For I was hungry and you gave me food,

I was thirsty and you gave me drink”

                                                                   Matthew 25:35

To read
A Pastoral Vision for the Church of Scranton
by Most Reverend Joseph C. Bambera, D.D., J.C.L., Bishop of Scranton

                                                             JOHN 13:15

Annual Events


Appreciation Dinner at Woodloch for all adult volunteers will be held on Sunday April 24, 2016 at 3:00 pm.


Knights of Columbus Blood Drive- 2020, date to be determined in the Parish Hall at Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace Church from 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm.


Catechetical Sunday- middle of September- to learn more about how catechists, teachers and all the baptized are called to be evangelists, go to the USCCB web site


Annual Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace & St. Veronica's Golf Outing-

Monday, September 21, 2020 at Country Club at Woodloch Springs.  Registration starts at 10:00 am.


Blessing of the Pets- Saturday, to be determined,  in the parking lot of Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace Church at 11.00 am.


Crop Walk-  date to be announced

Children's Halloween Party-2020, date to be determined


Charismatic Healing Mass- Tuesday, date to be determined, November, 2020 - 7:00 pm Song and praise                                                                                                7:30 pm Mass                                                                   

 Annual Mass of Remembrance-  Saturday,  November 28, 2020- 9.00 am 


Altar & Rosary Christmas Dinner- Date to be determined 


Bag a Month Food Collection Program

Program – On the first Sunday (weekend) of each month, the Food Committee of our Parish will accept donations of food which will be distributed to community food pantries.

●We are requesting a full or partial bag of specific food items.

Food Committee & Volunteers - A Food Collection Committee has been formed as a new Parish Ministry. The committee will coordinate the collection, sorting and  distribution of donated food to local county food pantries. Anyone wishing to volunteer to  assist on this one weekend a month should call Jim Conrad on 226-7420.

Bag of Food – We are requesting a full or partial bag of non-perishable food in non-breakable containers. A full bag would include the following items: 2 cans of tuna, 2 cans of vegetable soup, 1 jar of spaghetti sauce, 1 lb. spaghetti or rice, 2 boxes of macaroni and cheese, 1 jar of peanut butter, 2 cans of a green vegetable, 2 cans of baked beans, 1 can of fruit, 1 box of powdered milk, 1 box unsweetened cereal. Parishioners are encouraged to add other items such as soap, toothbrushes, paper goods, dishwashing detergents, etc.

●The Committee members have shopped at local food markets for a full bag andfound the cost to be between $23 and $33.

●Recyclable bags will be made available the week before for Food Collection Week end for donations. Please use recyclable bags only for donations.

Distribution – Volunteers will consolidate the food for pickup by the food pantries. Bags will not be stored in the church or church buildings.


Reminders Please do not donate items in glass containers, items that are beyond their expiration dates, or leave the bag in the church.   The collection point will be behind the Rectory in the Parish Center, the door to the left of the garage.

BVM Queen of Peace J Birds Youth Group

First Sunday of every month 11:30 am
for students in grades 8-12
for more information call the Faith Formation Office on 226-2955.

The Altar & Rosary Society meetings will be held the second Sunday of every month after the last Mass in the Parish Hall of Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace Church. Refreshments will be served. Watch the bulletin for the next monthly meeting.


Knights of Columbus

every 3rd Wednesday at 7:00 PM.Refreshments served.


Pre- Baptismal Workshops-when needed. Please call the Rectory for more information.

Weekly Events


Intercessory Prayer Group

Meets after the 9:00 am Mass on Mondays


Tuesday Morning Quilters

 in the Queen of Peace Parish Hall

Tuesday after 9 AM Mass


 Queen of Peace Choir

 Practice- Queen of Peace Choir Loft

Wednesdays– 6:30 PM

Charismatic Prayer Group 

- meets every Wednesday at 7:00 pm in the Tink Wig Development in Hawley. For more information please call John at 685-7834.

The Flame of Love Devotions

Thursday mornings after the 9:00 am Mass


Cenacle of Prayer

- at Queen of Peace Church

Sunday- – Father Gobbi 7 PM